free printable : "you're a star" valentine

Are you ready to take a stroll down memory lane for today's Free Printable? With a little help from our free Valentine Card printable, you'll be channeling a classic childhood holiday project for these adorable Valentine greetings. This valentine was originally posted 3 (THREE!! - where does the time go??) years ago. Since then, they have been one of our most popular downloads and pins on Pinterest. We thought it was time to share it again- along with part of the original post (for the sake of my mama heart and the nostalgia it conjures up as I reflect on my sweet, V-E-R-Y tall almost-6-year-old at only 2 1/2).
Here is part of the original post that includes this "You're a Star" Valentine printable link. Be sure to keep checking back over the next couple of weeks - we'll have new free printables for you to download!
The quote "you don't need a reason to give" is one that I try to tuck into my heart daily; and really, the same goes for showing love. Maybe that's part of what makes Valentine's Day so much fun. Even though we don't need a reason, it never hurts to have one. Now that E's a bit older ("I'm 2 and HALF!", as she precisely exclaims when someone asks her how old she is :) she gets so excited about fun activities and gift-giving. I made these "You're A Star!" valentines for her to give to her friends. Here's a printable version for you in case you'd like to use them, too. (Link is listed below.) Print them at home on an 8.5 x 11 piece of card stock and cut along the trim marks. (I rounded the corners for fun.) Add two drops of "warm-not-hot" hot glue for each Starburst, press on two candies and you're done! Hooray!
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